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Zuj Al Ruh: married souls

#1 *To the Universe* When you set the sun for me, it rises for my beloved! When the moon lights my way, I say to you rise again in distant land! Take my words of love, Tears of yearnings, kisses I blow in the air, Oh! let the ether around us carry it all to my beloved. Darling Moon! as you shine on in the lands that house my precious, Let your light shine those honey eyes that peered into my very being, wanting me await his touch for a lifetime. When you rain on me, and it snows for my dearest...My shivering hands long for his warm touch, I oft think would he like a hug? As the winds carry many tales, do they whisper to him about the songs I sing for him? Do birds that travel long still carry messages from a lovesick madame? Why dear universe? Why does love make me so curious! As I sit by the waters of Ganges and many histories dance around through the ripples of silts carrying tales of devotion, I blush! thoughts of his glittering smile paint my mind, as we admire the dancing

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