Grey Inceptions

Far from reality, in conundrums of a Witcher.

Tale of a night, awry still! 

I fell in a dream, 

Into nothingness of smoke,

Gravity laughed !

The blackness surrounded 

Masking my fall, that looked like an eternity.

Into my mothers womb I came,

Unknowingly shrinking into a babe.

I knew not, it wasn’t the end

As I reversed my birth!

Yet, when I became nothing,

I did exist, How? 

Oh! I was conscious still.

As I saw in false awakening,

No more a beating heart! 

I woke again, a lucid dreamer still

Not in skin but in someone’s televised scene.

On a grey screen of death! Disassociating

I hit that old television set,

Before that in screen could know 

It were I watching, my own life unfold! 

Frequency retuned ! Boxed into normalcy.

Waking then, it were a second past

In an eternity experience.


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