Missing Emoticon

Some emotions lack emoticons,

As our keyboard centurion grapples on !

Feelings best expressed in a touch, maybe a smile

Or in trails left by a tear.

Typewriters haven’t captured,

Irksome  butterflies in my heart !

Replaying those moments-

The last kiss from grandma,

Or touching my grandfather’s foot 

their warmth, in wrinkled eyes.

Blessings bestowed through a father’s forehead kiss,

I so miss ! when I think of death.

Wondering gives me an answer !

I shall need more of my mothers hug, Even after making it a morning ritual. 

For it shall never be enough!

Expressions of touch by our loved ones, to convey soul felt emotions.

Can emoticons replace?

As I hug tight my brothers back, 

he struggles hard to hide his emotions! 

A Lover's warm palm, on a rainy street side 

As they save you from getting splashed.

Where to find a emoticon for that ? 


Wanting to become somebody I can love.

As I seek, my true and best self. 

Where to find! I ask.

So to convey,

an emoticon for that?


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