Reflections of Ramadan 2024

All that we learn, the knowledge we acquire is to know God. How God made us, know our history is to know God as in *when* and *where*. To understand science is to know *how*, but we never can say *why*! That is for philosophers. It is to know *why we are here* for what purpose of God we serve as servants, experience life as a gift and then leave for eternity being grateful for this life. Death is then a liberation from duty, and union with our divine origin with fulfillment of purpose.

Your story, your struggles and testifications. The place of your birth, your parents, people you fall in love with and fall out of love with, the trials and errors are all a part of your destiny for making you aware of your purpose and being a instrument in the hands of God's divine plan in the cosmic dance of creation, You- just a cog in the wheel of time, a screw or a driver in the instrument of God, your life a hammer and your soul a metal or a component that makes you 'who you are'! 


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