What would my life be, if we'd never met?

This write-up and art memory is a revolving thought on many choices in life.On all the detours we take in a lifetime that makes it script worthy-Maybe a career you met, maybe a friend or a lover or maybe a situation. This write-up is on those opportunities or situations. 

Life is from birth till death,

Yet so much of it is defined-

'Where,how,who,what' prior it

Makes what you can be 

Till death do us apart.

Many change destiny,

Most don't outlive it

Yet, in the cog of clock 

Wonder  and wander 

On what might have been.

If we hadn't met,

on that sunny day!

What if? I missed you

By a wrong turn, seconds delay

Maybe just like an expired coupon

And many such opportunities!

We hadn't met that day.

What would you be doing now,

What would I be writing now,

If we hadn't met? Who would I be.

Note: Life can be a play of light and shadows, on glooms remember "This too,Shall pass" and on finding the light, say it gain-"This too,Shall pass"

Mon Chéri 


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