A note for ‌মা-her half century


My beautiful Mumma,
On your half century I pray we complete your century together. Having you by my side as we get smile wrinkles and enjoy the beauty of aging whilst staying forever young is the most cherished wish of mine. I am grateful to you for being my friend, sister and a father along with being the best mother! I promise to accomplish every wish you have for me and become a better person everyday, as we rise together in becoming a powerhouse of success and joy. I'll always fall short of vocabulary in describing your persona in my poems, yet I'll attempt because that's what you have taught me.

My dear flute, named on a tune
To which the planets sung!
Her doe like eyes
Reflecting flames in water,
oh! the dimply cheeks paring cherry lips that couldn't lie.

Notes of courage they sung,
A phoenix soul!
Rise, rise again she said
Lioness to her babes
But a lamb at heart.

My dear flute,
She was made of bamboo!
Shooting upto the stars.
On rivers we serenade together
As we meet the ocean tide,
My beautiful tune of love
Never leaves my side.

- to বাঁশি, my beloved mother. 


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