Jailed Moon

On a starless night, It was almost midnight! When I met the moon waning into the night.

I thought we jelled, our midnight temperament! as it looked half sleepy and a lot shed

Reflecting the soreness of having shown too long! It was bloody red. Conversing about rendezvous, the stoic moon!

When asked, it said “ it’s bothered about the ugliness of its crates, a phones camera perhaps dint always auto erase!”

Baffled I asked, why it thought so?        Madam moon, said she heard  the winds carry those voices.

Jailed in its mental insecurity, Moon felt lonely.Oh moon ! I said - have you ever thought whilst looking at us from afar ? 

On stormy nights we look hazy- but are we ? And on sunny too bright ! are we ?              And in days of eclipse! You look funny playing Hide and seek ! But do you? 

Madam moon, elated and enlightened understood ! criminal of one’s vision-        jailed it stood. 

Risen in confidence it said, Adieu my august friend! Till we meet again.


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