Few of my Favourite things

Picasso- War and Peace.

I like black,green, yellow and blue! Sometimes pink too.

Healthy cuisines from east, continentals and barbecue! along with the birthright to love Indian food. So I cook too!

I like coffee over tea with flutes Classics at home and the world my heart rhythmic on Gulzar to Mozart.With love to Emily, a Tagore blood and Rum at heart.

In orchestra, operas and concerts, or theatres you may find me! I Netflix with no chill, and chill gaming.
Dancing to Jazz, Pop dear my soul, a silly romantics this sufi! Karaokes it prefers to discos.

I dare to like Monets, Van Goghs, Nicholas Roreich as well as Dali' and one of Picasso's- war and peace it is.
I like dresses over jeans, saree over Salwar Kameez/Suits over Salwar suits.
I like simple over complex,  complex on yogic postures nevertheless! Turtles are my favourite for  Marathons ahead. Lotuses along with Rose's, I choose!

Galloping too on dark chocolates and everything fresh.
Nature over dazzling cities and I cannot choose ocean over hills.
I love over like, morning over night!
Cozy winter sun over rainy afternoon sight, moonlight and dawn's sunlight as well as wrapped gifts and handmade things.
Flowers as many and pots too, gardens and swans in pond
A fairytale I demand!

White walls, Books and libraries. A wooden facade and teaks on quartz marble tops!                              mix of fragrant, fresh oil paints, brewing aromas and baked chores with lavenders and dills filling our abode!

Cats paws and mistletoes, on comfy rugs and cozy chairs I spend many new year nights!
Childrens laughters and jingling Christmas trees, The loves of my life surrounding me.
What a wonderful life, a gift to me. 


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