A note on breakup

 (a thought note)

Why is it that the world society's, cinema and music project lovers breaking up as hurtful heartbreaks mostly ? Why is it that there’s no song on a child and fathers desolation, a mothers heartache on her child’s death. Or when you feel misplaced in your home, become strangers to the closest- your family, where’s a song for that? When you break up from your toxic parents or sibling or any partner…isn’t that a breakup too? Or when you’re misunderstood, unloved and unaccepted by a kin you loved dearly, or heart wretched being cutoff from a best friend. Isn’t that a breakup too? Where’s a song for that ? Are job rejections, getting sacked from someplace you like/worked hard for not heartbreaking too? Isn't your business, the dream of your youth getting bankrupt or shutdown not a a heartbreak as well. where’s an art for that? Beings mistreated by the haves, the have not toil hard…when the workers sweat Breaks in the midsummer heat, the wage too paltry for them to wipe their tears of distress. 

A breakup, in any relationship or atomic attachment humans share is as hurtful if not more and never less than that projected about sexual lovers in popular media. Is it because those feelings aren’t marketable? Or  maybe too intense? Maybe uncomfortable.


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